Resolution 3506
NO. 3506
A RESOLUTION urging the 2018 Kansas Legislature to repeal the city and county tax lid.
WHEREAS, The tax lid imposed on cities and counties is a direct intrusion by the state on the local affairs of cities and counties; and
WHEREAS, The governing bodies of cities and counties are the best judges of what the level of property taxes should be in their communities and areas; and
WHEREAS, The electorate of cities and counties have the ability to elect new governing body members if the majority of the electorate disagree with the tax policies of their governing bodies; and
WHEREAS, The tax lid law, as it applies to cities, is in direct conflict with city home rule granted directly by the people of the state of Kansas by constitutional amendment effective on July 1, 1961; and
WHEREAS, The tax lid law is in direct conflict with statutory home rule powers granted to counties by the Kansas Legislature effective on July 1, 1974; and
WHEREAS, The Kansas Senate and House of Representatives have introduced Senate Bill 167 and House Bill 2082 to repeal the city and county tax lid, yet neither bill received a hearing in the 2017 legislative session; and
WHEREAS, Senate Bill 167 and House Bill 2082 are still viable bills and can be heard, worked and passed during the 2018 legislative session: Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Silver Haired Legislature of the State of Kansas: That the city and county tax lid law be repealed by the 2018 Kansas Legislature; and
Be it further resolved: That the contents of Senate Bill 167 and House Bill 2082 be heard, worked and passed by the 2018 Kansas Legislature.