40th Annual Session News Release
Press Release, Immediate Release Requested
Kansas Silver Haired Legislature completes 40th Annual Session
October 18, 2022
The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature held their 40th Annual Session on October 4-6 in Topeka. This was the first time in three years the SHL was able to hold an in-person Annual Session, as the 2020 and 2021 were both held in a Zoom only format. This year a Zoom-like option was also available, utilizing the Webex format at the State Capitol building. The SHL is the first organization to utilize this two-way communication format in the House of Representatives Chamber. This allowed the delegates “attending” from home to be able to watch and hear the deliberations in the House Chamber, to ask their own questions or propose possible changes, and to be able to vote on the issues as presented, at the same time and manner as the delegates in the Capitol itself. The SHL greatly appreciated the hard work of the Capitol staff that made this happen.
The high point of the three-day conference is the Wednesday activity at the State Capitol. In the morning, the SHL is divided into three committees, which review, discuss, and debate the various bills and resolutions that are presented to them. Those receiving a favorable vote are then brought before the entire body during the afternoon session, where each issue is once again discussed, debated, and ultimately voted upon. Those receiving favorable passage then progress to the Thursday morning final session for either an up or down vote, The bills and resolutions that pass are then forwarded to the Kansas Legislature during the 2023 Legislative Session, with the SHL pushing for their enactment into Kansas Law.
The six resolutions that received favorable passage this year at the Annual Session are:
1) Resolution 4001 – Support the Expansion of Medicaid in the State of Kansas
2) Resolution 4002 – Continued Support and Funding for community-based Public Transportation
3) Resolution 4003 – Support and Funding for Broadband Expansion
4) Resolution 4004 – Support for the Legalization of the Expanded Medical Use of Cannabis
5) Resolution 4005 – Urging the Kansas Legislature to maintain the current funding for the Kansas Senior Care Act
6) Resolution 4006 – Supporting the request of Area Agencies on Aging to Exempt Purchases by All Area Agencies on Aging from Sales Tax.
The Silver Haired Legislature gives a voice to the approximately 600,000 Senior Citizens over the age of 60 in the State of Kansas. Each county in the state is allowed a delegate to the SHL, with the five largest counties having five additional delegates. For more information on the SHL, you are invited to view the website at <kansas-shl.org>.