40th Annual Session Minutes
OCTOBER 4-6, 2022
Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Downtown Ramada Inn-Topeka
1:00 PM:
30-38 in attendance, plus potentially others viewing over Facebook set up by the Ramada staff.
Jay Rowh (PSA 8, Mitchell County), past SHL president, introduced current SHL interim president Thomas Gordon (PSA 1, Wyandotte County), who welcomed the delegates to the 40th Annual Session of the SHL, and offered his thoughts on being the president.
1:15 PM:
Jay introduces Dan Goodman, director of the Kansas Aging Task Force. Dan spoke on various issues facing Kansas Seniors, and what his organization is doing to support Seniors in many different aspects of their daily lives. This includes those living in both nursing homes and in assisted living facilities, as well as in their own homes. A question/answer period concluded this time session.
2:05 PM:
This time frame was originally scheduled to be conducted by a representative of KDADS (Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services). However, they did not attend. Therefore, Randall Hardy, SHL speaker, chose to use this time to speak on his take of where SHL currently is, what he foresees in the coming year, and how many of our processes work, both in pushing our issues to the Kansas Legislature in the 2023 Legislative Session starting in January, as well as how the SHL determines whether one of our issues becomes either a resolution or bill. A question/answer period ended the session
3:05 PM:
Jay introduces Chris Bortz, Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), who spoke on safety issues being addressed by KDOT, especially as they pertain to Kansas Seniors. Topics included seat belt usage, distractions, roundabouts, diverging diamonds, zipper merge, rumble strips and the AAA Car Fit program. A question/answer period ended the session.
4:15 PM:
Thomas Gordon, SHL president, spoke on this final session of the afternoon. Topics for his presentation included:
- Creating a handbook for all delegates, especially for new delegates
- Business cards that would be consistent for all delegates, including a QR code for additional information
- Hire a webmaster to keep our information current
- Continue the work of Clarence Hermann (PSA 7, Anderson County), chair of the SHL Finance Committee, of asking the county commissioners of all 105 counties in Kansas for donations to support the SHL.
- Develop a transition team for new officers
- Create a video on how to handle our positions on the issues during a meeting
- Thomas will be going over many of these items during the Executive Board meeting which will follow this evening.
Jay Rowh, speaker pro tem and floor leader, goes over how everything will proceed during our sessions on Wednesday and Thursday at the State Capitol.
The afternoon session concludes at 5:01 PM.
Tuesday evening, October 4, 2022.
SHL Executive Board Blind Tiger Restaurant and Brewery, Topeka
6:15 PM SHL president Thomas Gordon presides over the meeting
Attending: Thomas Gordon, PSA 1 chair and SHL president; Donna Lehane, PSA 2 chair and SHL secretary; Steve Watts, PSA 3 acting chair at the behest of Lois Cossman; Don Woodard, PSA 4 chair; Gayle Anderson, PSA 6 chair; Clarence Herrman, PSA 7 chair; Jay Rowh, PSA 8 interim chair; Gil Bunning, PSA 9 chair; Jim Toews, PSA 10 chair; Katy Hoffman, PSA 11 chair; Randall Hardy, PSA 8, SHL speaker; Gary Scott, PSA 11, SHL treasurer.
Absent: Mike Kastle, PSA 5 chair
Guests: Mr. Anderson, husband of Gayle; Jacques Barber, PSA 1.
Business meeting called to order by Thomas at 6:49 PM
Secretary Donna concludes there was no unfinished business left over from past meetings.
Don brings up the issue of attendance of SHL delegates for the Kansas Leadership Program, an initiative put forward by previous president Ross Boelling. Motion made by Thomas, seconded by Donna, to table this program until after 2023 elections, but continuing to stay in contact with them. Motion carried.
Treasurer Scott presented the Financial Report. Discussion on what is in the checking account, and what is in the CD. Major discussion on who is on the signature care, and who needs to be. Decision to leave the current signers on the card, then make the necessary changes following the SHL elections this spring (May, 2023). Motion by Donna, seconded by Jay, to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried. Discussion followed as to whether our treasurer should by bonded. By-Laws say it is an option. Treasurer Gary directed to find out what is required to be bonded, and if the bank would prefer it.
Clarence has a letter presented to Thomas asking county commissioners to donate to SHL. Suggestions made on editing the letter, which Clarence will do, then he will email the new letter to the board members for approval, then will mail it to the county commissioners across Kansas.
Jay brings up who is on the Nursing Scholarship Committee. The question is asked as to if we have a winner this year to be presented at the Banquet on Wednesday night? (Ans: NO) No one recalls who is on the committee beyond Cynthia Nelson (PSA 8, Lincoln County), so Jay will contact her to find out that information, and update the website accordingly.
Motion by Don, seconded by Katy, to approve paying for meals at Executive Board meetings. Limit set at a $30 maximum, food only. This will be done at the two Executive Board meetings each year. Motion carried.
Jay brings up four issues from the past pertaining to funding: 1) Helping with expenses for delegates; 2) Putting additional funding in the SHL Nursing Scholarship; 3) Paying the expenses of the speaker during the Kansas Legislative Session, and for testifying at any off-season committees; 4) Using the local county attorneys to provide funding to SHL from those convicted of crimes for which community service is part of the sentencing, and the guilty perpetrator does not wish to do that community service, so is given an alternative of donating to SHL instead. Discussion followed on each of these topics. The SHL Finance Committee (Clarence, chr, Gil and Gary make up the Finance Committee) will look at what has been done in the past, and also see what other organizations are paying for mileage to their members. They will bring back a report by January 5th, 2023.
Jay brings up another issue from past sessions, that of getting our delegate count back up to the full number allowed by our By-Laws (125 members). We currently show 79 delegates, although several are either not active or are looking to resign their position prior to the next SHL election (March, 2023). Suggestions included: making sure our delegates send out our news releases to as many media outlets as possible, making sure our news releases are placed in all the Senior Centers across the state, as well as presented to any meetings focusing on Senior issues; having an orientation for new delegates so they don’t feel so lost and uncomfortable the first year or so; and having a Zoom meeting once a month to update delegates on important issues and how SHL intends to address them.
A letter from Steve Brom (PSA 6, Grant County) to First District Congressional Representative Tracy Mann on the current status of the newly established Public Transportation Program in Grant County was passed around to the board members.
Thomas talked about a business card for all PSA chairs. He has checked with Vista Print on getting 500 for each chair. Thomas felt this would help raise the awareness of SHL, especially among Kansas Legislators and others who wield considerable influence in state politics.
Motion by Jim to adjourn, seconded by Donna. Motion carried, and meeting adjourned at 8:54 PM.
Wednesday morning, October 5th, 2022 Kansas State Capitol, House Chamber
8:15 AM Speaker Randall Hardy calls the opening session of the full membership of the SHL to order, directs the Kansas National Guard Color Guard to present the Colors. Prayer by President Thomas Gordon followed.
Welcome given by a representative of Governor Laura Kelly, which was Secretary Laura Howard of KDADS.
Secretary Donna Lehane called the roll of the delegates. 38 present in person, additional ones on Webco (“Zoom” format used in the House Chamber), which at that time was a view only option.
Speaker pro tem Jay Rowh (PSA 8, Mitchell County) makes a motion to adopt the rules of the House, and the motion is approved.
Thomas introduces Linda Ramirez PSA 1 liaison as a guest in the gallery.
Sherri Grogan (PSA 1, Leavenworth County), reads all six resolutions that will be considered by the delegates over the next two days.
Floor Leader Jay Rowh presents a motion to adjourn to committees for consideration of the bills and resolutions. Each committee will need to pick a chair, co-chair, and a recording secretary. Notes are to be brought back to the SHL secretary following the committee meetings. Motion carries. Delegates break to the committee meetings at 8:59 AM.
Wednesday afternoon, October 5th, 2022. Kansas State Capitol, House Chamber
1:05 PM Speaker Hardy calls the afternoon session to order. Secy Lehane calls the roll, including several participating by Webco. Some two-way verbal communication over the Webco format is now available for this session.
Speaker pro tem Rowh calls for a motion to meet as a committee of the whole. Motion approved.
Presentation of the bills and resolutions from the committee representatives.
Resolution 4001 – A resolution supporting the Expansion of Medicaid in Kansas. Jay Kallman (PSA 8, Republic County) reads the resolved motion to approve the resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved.
Resolution 4002 – Continued support and Funding for community-based Public Transportation. Allen Schmidt (PSA 3, Ellis County) states the resolution was amended in committee, and makes the motion to accept as amended. Motion approved. Barbara Bunting (PSA 2, Sedgwick County) (over Webco format) motions to add implement into the resolution, seconded by Donna. Motion approved. Allen reads the resolved amended resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved.
Resolution 4003 – Support and Funding for Broadband Expansion. Jay Kallman reads the resolved motion to approve the resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved.
Resolution 4004 – Support for the Legalization of the Expanded Medical use of Cannabis. Katy Hoffman (PSA 11, Johnson County) reads the motion for the adoption of the resolution. Motion approved. Speaker Hardy shares that THC was added to our resolution due to the original resolution having already been passed by the Kansas Legislature. Memory Maginley (PSA 8, Waubaunsee County) and Sherri Grogan share their opinions on the resolution. Katy then reads the resolved motion to approve the resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved
Resolution 4005 – Urging the Kansas Legislature to Maintain the Current Funding for the Senior Care Act. Motion was amended in committee. Katy Hoffman makes the motion to accept as amended. Motion approved. Discussion followed as to why “increase” was removed. Leonard Scheufler (PSA 10, Sumner County) explained the rationale behind eliminating “increase”. Katy reads the resolved amended resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved.
Resolution 4006 – Supporting the Request of Area Agencies on Aging to Exempt Purchases by All Area Agencies on Aging from Sales Tax. Jacques Barber (PSA 1, Wyandotte County) reads the motion for the adoption of the resolution. Motion approved. Discussion followed with Jacques explaining the resolution. Jacques then reads the resolved resolution favorable for passage. Motion approved.
Sherri Grogan reads that SHL Resolutions 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006 be passed.
Floor Leader Jay Rowh makes the motion to accept the resolutions. Motion passed.
Barbara Bunting (PSA 2, Harvey County) participating on Webco makes the motion to correct any grammatical errors as long as it doesn’t change our intent. After much discussion, Barbara withdraws her motion.
President Thomas Gordon speaks about our ability to bring in new delegates, and ways to raise money to help our organization.
Speaker pro tem Jay Rowh makes the motion to adjourn until Thursday morning at 8:00 AM in the House Chamber.
Speaker Randall Hardy reminds the delegates of the Banquet and Silent Auction tonight
Thursday Morning, October 6, 2022. Kansas State Capitol, House of Representatives Chamber
Speaker Randall Hardy calls the meeting to order at 8:15 AM. Randall explains how the resolutions are numbered. Since this is our 40th year, the resolutions are labeled “4001” – in the 40th year, this is resolution number one.
Secretary Donna Lehane calls the roll. Today the House staff has the Webco format working flawlessly – a screen is set up so we can see those delegates participating at home, they can see us, and both groups can communicate so everyone can be an active participant. The Capitol staff informs us we are the FIRST group to have the two-way communication feature (Webco) with both visual and verbal, in the House Chamber. This includes the actual House of Representatives themselves, as they are yet to use that function.
Sherri Grogan reads Resolution 4002, Vote taken. Resolution passed 39 in favor, 0 against.
Sherri Grogan reads Resolution 4005, Vote taken. Resolution passed 39 in favor, 0 against.
[Ed. Note: Resolutions 4002 and 4005 had been amended on Wednesday, so they had to be voted on separately.]
Sherri Grogan reads Resolutions 4001 and 4003. Both resolutions passed 39 in favor, 0 against.
Sherri Grogan reads Resolutions 4004 and 4006. Resolution 4004 passed 33 in favor, 6 against. Resolution 4006 passed 39 in favor, 0 against.
Memory Maginley (PSA 8, Waubaunsee County) explains her vote against Resolution 4004, explaining her county is for medical cannabis, but against THC being added.
President Thomas Gordon explains his vote for Resolution 4004, explaining his reasons for it, and feeling we need to move forward.
Remaining resolutions are recorded as to the vote taken, and discussion completed.
Speaker Randall Hardy does closing statements, and asks for announcements.
Floor Leader Jay Rowh explains that after we all return home, a news release on the Annual Session will be sent to all delegates. Please get that news release sent to all media outlets in your county, as well as put them in each Senior Center in your county. Later, a Journal will be made with all the pertinent information from this year’s Annual Session as well as about the SHL itself. This year, the Journals will be sent predominantly by email. If you want a printed copy, or don’t have email, the Journal can be mailed to you. Please let Jay know if you want a printed copy. Please make sure you take a copy to your county commissioners.
Speaker pro term Jay Rowh then gave a timeline for SHL activities for the next eight months. Since 2023 is the odd year, it will be an election year for the SHL. In January, the Area Agencies on Aging for each PSA will mail out election packets for running for office again. A candidate can either pay a $25 filing fee or collect 25 signatures from qualifying Seniors in your county. In February, the AAA will conduct the election. In late March or early April, each PSA should meet to discuss the issues that are important to the Seniors in your PSA, as well as elect the chair for their PSA. In May, the SHL will hold their bi-annual Organizational Meeting, during which time we will elect our officers. Finally, in July, each PSA will send their Issues to the Executive Board, which will meet to discuss the accumulated Issues and reduce them down to the select few that will be presented at next year’s Annual Session.
Next year’s Annual Session will be the first Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of October, October 3-5, 2023. Please put this on your calendar and plan accordingly.
Paula Hladky (PSA 4, Jefferson County) reports on the fund-raising efforts from the Banquet and Silent Auction. A total of $1539 was raised at the Silent Auction. The 50/50 drawing raised $400. Clarence Hermann (PSA 7, Anderson County) won the pot, but donated all but the $20 he paid for the tickets back to the SHL. Kansas Legislator Marcy Francisco donated $20 to SHL to cover that amount. The SHL is especially appreciative of the efforts of Paula Hladky and Willard Epling (PSA 4, Douglas County) for their efforts in setting up the Silent Auction and 50/50 drawing.
Sherri Grogan (PSA 1, Leavenworth County) reads a post from one of the two Facebook pages we have, which was from one of our previous Nursing Scholarship winners. She was very grateful for the opportunity the scholarship helped her achieve.
Don Durflinger (PSA 2, Butler County) asks how the Kansas Aging Task Force set up by Governor Laura Kelly is doing. Speaker Hardy said the task force will be meeting on October 25th to finalize their report. Jan Kimbrell (PSA 8, Morris County) is the SHL representative to that task force.
Vickie Winans (PSA 5, Wilson County) informed the group how to identify who the county commissioners are, and to CC any email to them so they are aware of the SHL delegate in their county. Clarence Hermann supports that, and wants the delegates to let the commissioners know they will be receiving a letter requesting financial support for SHL. Steve Garten (PSA 6, Barber County), a former county commissioner, advises delegates to contact their commissioners in the early spring while they are working on their budgets, and not to wait until they have already finished planning for the following year.
Floor Leader Jay Rowh makes the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved. The 40th Annual Session of the SHL comes to a close at 9:45 AM.