Bi-Annual Meeting Minutes (2021)
Kansas Silver Hair Legislator Bi-Annual Meeting
Minutes, May 27, 2021, 1:30 pm
Geary County Senior Center
Meeting was called to order by Ross Boelling, KSHL 1st Vice President at 1:33pm. Ross speaks about the issues Kansas Seniors face. He tells us that 86% of Kansans 65 an older are vaccinated now. He tells us that KSHL has been around since 1982 and asks those present have been involved 10 yrs, 5 yrs and are new? Ross continues telling us how through the years from 1985, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998, 2007 and in 2010 how KSHL has evolved; our ups and downs – legislation passed, funding and our issues presented to legislation through the years. He goes on to tell us that there are 615,000 Kansans over the age of 60.
Ross asks for a roll call for a quorum, he also asks Donna (Secretary) if she will act as Parliamentary for the meetings and officers election. She accepts and Ross asks for a motion to approve the agenda. Donna Lehane motions from the floor and Cynthia Nelson 2nd; agenda is approved.
Ross asks for Don Woodard to give us an update on legislation (under old business). Don tells us we got the 3 million approved to the Senior Care Act. That the total budget went from 7 million to 10 million, there’s controversy on the Medical Marijuana issue. SB 315 a comparable bill to HB 2114 passed and there’s been a Senior Care Task Force committee that’s to have one (1) representative from KSHL involved in this committee by 2023. This task force could have more impact than the KSHL itself. There were 315 Senate Bills and 454 House Bills this year and only 93 became laws. It’s a good number but a lot of bills got passed but a lot got veto’d. It’s good to have some young people (in their 60’s) that have joined SHL this year.
Ross moves to New Business with the election of Speaker of the House; Chuck Schmidt PSA-2 has been nominated by Don Woodard, Jay Rowh 2nd. Nominations cease and there are no other nomination, no discussion – Approved. Chuck tells us about himself, he’s been a lifelong educator, 14 yrs as Superintendent, will refer back to Don for his knowledge, will work hard to keep everyone informed, who to contact, where and when and what the issues are. Legislators do pay attention to us, we VOTE and are more involved and that involvement will have an impact. He thanks everyone for their support and his nomination to Speaker.
Ross moves onto election of Speaker Pro-Tem; Randall Hardy is nominated by Jay Rowh and Don Woodard 2nd the nomination. There are no other nominations and a motion to cease nominations is on the floor, Lois Cossman 2nd; nomination is approved. Randall speaks to us about how he’s new to SHL but was a Senator for Saline County, living in Salina. Hopes to bring a little more flavor to KSH and is looking forward to working with us all. He thanks us for his vote of support.
Ross moves to Floor Leader and Donna Lehane nominates Jay Rowh, it’s 2nd and there’s a motion by Thomas Gordon for nominations to cease, it’s 2nd by Jacques Barber, nomination is approved. Jay speaks to us, telling us he likes dressing casual now days. He talks about Darlene, how long he’s known her and speaks about the past floor leader. Thanks us all for our vote of confidence for him in this position.
Donna Lehane, Secretary, swears in the newly elected officers.
Floor is now open for Open Discussion, Don Woodard speaks about getting the House Chambers for our October meeting. It looks promising for us to be able to do it. We should have three (3) committee rooms and the House Chambers for the two (2) days of our legislative meetings. Usually we have 8 or 9 supporters in our committee meetings, last time it was only three (3) in committees. Ramada Inn is a real big question, we’ll probably have to move to another hotel to stay at. Ramada has no kitchen, no food and no chef anymore. He went to the Hilton and rooms aere priced to him at $100.00 a night, where at the Ramada they were $96.00. Hilton sets behind the Sam’s Club/Walmart area and if so we’d need bus service to and from the hotel to the Capital. Bus service might run close to $800.00. There’s questions on who we could get to help us sponsor some of the meeting cost. Don’s looking forward to our October 5, 6 & 7 meeting dates. Barbara Bunting PSA-2 suggests some place else (Senate Suites) that’s closer, but does it have food availability? We’d have to do carters if the hotel has no food. Gary Scott PSA-11 suggest looking into using school bus services as a possibility. Ross lets us know that usually PSA-4 was involved with this effort and he’d like to see a standing committee to get things set up. Gary suggests the CHAIRS to work that issue. Don says he has reserved those dates already. Financially we are standing OK on funds, close to $12K and $2K set aside for the scholarship funds.
Donna motions and it’s 2nd to adjourn the officers meeting – approved, time now 2:40pm.
Donna M. Lehane
Ex-Board Secretary
PSA #2 Chair