37th Annual Meeting Committee Reports
Kansas Silver Haired Legislation
Annual Meeting Committee Reports
Topeka, Kansas October 1, 2019 to October 3, 2019
Resolution 3701– Medicaid Expansion Chair Thomas Gordon PSA-1, Vice Chair Gayle Anderson PSA-6, Secretary Janice Fewins PSA-5; Iraida Orr – Principal research analyst and Eileen Ma – Kansas reviser of Statutes in attendance for Medicaid Expansion. Called to order at 9:15am, October 2, 2019 by Chair Thomas Gordon. Present for the committee meeting are Mike Bruner PSA-5, Paula Hladky PSA-4, Frank Catalo PSA-8, Juanita Parker PSA-6, Pamela Bachman PSA-9, Dianna Beebe PSA-6, Bill Otto PSA-7 and Joyce Simpson PSA-9. Resolution is read by Eileen Ma and Chair Thomas Gordon asks for testimony for or against the resolution. Q – Pamela Bachman PSA-9 asks about the Federal match and what happens if it’s dropped? She mentions that 33 States have expanded Medicare. A – Eileen Ma – HB 2066 that’s in the 2019 session addresses this. Q – Juanita Parker PSA-6 asks about the eligibility for Medicaid Expansion, must be a citizen and/or legal resident. Bill Otto PSA-7 gives some additional information that he worked as a navigator and most people who need this are working and caught up in the system. There’s checks and balances in place to cover things. Medicaid Federal drop – Governor takes care of this. Chair Thomas asks why we did not expand this years ago? Bill replies that the current leadership at that time did not like it and they didn’t even bring it up for a vote. Joyce Simpson PSA-9 says it PASSED but was VETOED by then Governor Brownback. Janice Fewins PSA-5 would like to know how the Senate select committee can just change their minds? A – Iraida Orr tells us that they may find ways of compromising in areas. Mike Bruner PSA-5 says that we need more effective lobbying, Bachman PSA-9 adds that our Rural hospitals are really vulnerable right now. Chair Gordon adds that we need to lobby for the people to get things corrected the problems that now exist, Medicaid. Bill – PSA7 tells us we need to hit the streets to put pressure on local legislators. Paula Hladky PSA-4 states that the rural hospitals are struggling to survive and she gives a couple of examples of those needing help. Chair Thomas says we need to wrap this up. Motions to accept by Pamela Bachman PSA-9, 2nd by Gayle Anderson PSA-6; Resolution 3701 accepted as written. Pamela Bachman PSA-9 motion to adjourn, Mike Bruner PSA-5 2nd the motion; accepted and adjourned at 9:50am. (Room 144S)
Resolution 3702 – COMMUNITY BASED TRANSPORTATION Room 144 Chair Jay Rowh PSA-8, Vice Chair and Secretary Donna Lehane PSA-2; we have 4 researchers and/or advisors called the committee meeting to order at (10:00am) with the reading of the Resolution 3702. Jay speaks to the resolution and the ability to stay in their own home. Jay explains again the difference of resolutions VS. Bills and why we do resolutions. When seniors get to the age when they have to give up their car keys and we need to have something in place that they will not feel shut in. Jeanie Adkins-Peine PSA-11 agrees with Jay’s statement. Q – Dianna Beebe PSA-6 speaks about statics on the back of the handout. She was told before that they couldn’t take a KDOT vehicle across County lines. Yet she finds there are routes in places that do cross County lines. Steve Brom PSA-6 tells us in his area they have meetings and send out emails, letters inviting certain people on rides. His policy has now changed and in that meeting they will tell KDOT what they need. Their meeting is at the Senior Center, October 10th at 1:30pm. Paula Hladky PSA-4 tells us that in her town they have now lost the grocery store and a doctor’s office. A problem with the transportation they do have is you get placed on a list and depending on what you need done, depends on if you get a ride. Doctor appointments are tops and groceries are at the bottom. What are options to our seniors is not always an option to KDOT. These rides allow seniors to feel proud and self supportive about themselves. Jay speaks of an instance that happened in 2010 where they had only 2 drivers and now they have 16 paid drivers, 2 volunteers, busses, vans for a total of 9 vehicles. They cross State lines and County lines. Jay says in his area, it’s first come first served. They try to combine pickups with other pickups along the routes. They make lots of airport trips and hospital trips. In county it’s routes are $3.00 / $6.00 round trip, out of County it’s $4.00 / $8.00 round trip. Extra money goes to next year’s grant and everyone single one pays extra. Public transportation is a suggested price, this program has a flat fee but most donate over the original cost. A small problem is some small towns, the retailers don’t want the shopping done elsewhere, they’d like to keep them to home town shopping. Everyone needs to approach the businesses to donate money to the Grants. Jay asks Pam Backman PSA-9 to speak about her routes in her County. KDOT has picked up routes in her County and even now has a covered building to house their programs. Mil Levy’s help in some areas, County Commissioners fund it but you need to go back to them each year. Mitchell County commissioners just turned over their money. Depending on funding and depending on how many days they make their runs, depends on funding. The KDOT speaker yesterday showed that routes to expand in different areas are in works. NE Kansas has a good video on routes and a group at KU will help do the work for you to provide this stuff. Ross Boelling PSA-8 states that this is great in a lot of areas in western Kansas, counties that have less than a population than 5K. Also KDOT will steal money from one area and move it into another. Jeanie Askins-Peine PSA-11 says that the lack of this mobility will cause other problems down the road. Allen Schmidt PSA-3 says that the speaker yesterday (Jon Moore) spoke about Microtransit and would like to add this to our Resolution. Ross Boelling PSA-8 moves to adopt 3702 and Dianna Beebe PSA-6 2nd, floors open for discussion. Allen Schmidt PSA-3 would like to amend the motion to include the microtransit support in rural and remote areas. Pamela Bachman PSA-9 2nd the amendment. It’s noted by the researcher that there is no current Bill on this subject. Jay asks for a vote on the amendment – 15 FOR and 0 against the addition on the amendment. Now back to the vote on the Resolution 3702 – 15 FOR and 0 against. Both resolution and the amendment were approved. Jay asks who will carry the Resolution? Allen Schmidt PSA-3 volunteers to carry it forward. Jay states if it passes today it will go to a vote tomorrow and there will be NO discussion at tomorrow’s vote. Completes our business and we are adjourned at 10:53am.
We break for lunch on the 1st floor and will need to be back in Chambers by 1:00pm.
Resolution 3703 – Exempt purchases of food from sales tax, Room 152 Chair Jay Rowh PSA-8, Vice Chair and Secretary Donna Lehane PSA-2; we have 2 researchers and/or advisors on (Amit Atel) KPERS and Amelia (sales tax – it’s noticed at this time the room/resolutions are mixed up) called the committee meeting to order at (9:14am). Jay reminds everyone to be civil and express your opinions on the sales tax bill/resolution. Ameila reads the Resolution 3703 for the group. Q – Gary Scott PSA-11 what’s to know what the perimeters on which food, taxes this pertains too. A – this does not go into detail. Q – Mary Nichols PSA-10 – State VS. Way Fair. A – South Dakota had to do with out of State sellers. Not specifically food. Jay states that last year was Part A – food and Part B was internet. This year we dropped the internet. Q – Allen Schmidt PSA-3 what are the dollar values that are lost? A – Our State sales tax is 6.5% and the average is between 8.5 – 8.75% across the State. Past includes grocery store purchases, not restaurant. Collections are 16% to State Highway and the rest goes to “other general funds”. Cost is $423 Million overall, locally it’s $130 Million on lost sales taxes. Jay states that with those figures combined we’ve lost around $550 Million. Q – Ross Boelling PSA-8 what’s lost/collected on internet sales? A – Collecting between $10 – $20 Million on internet. If we change some laws, legally we’d be allowed to collect up to $60 Million for collections. State does not have the ability to track online sales. Q – Jay asks, all our surrounding States have LOWER sales tax or NO tax at all. A – Oklahoma and Colorado have full taxes, Missouri is lower, Nebraska has NO sales tax, 5 other States have NO tax and 30 other Exempt food. Q – Ernie Dyer PSA-4 eliminate the State tax, how does that affect us locally? A – State could go anyway with options. Q – Gary Scott PSA-11 what’s a good number to present? A – if it’s a Bill in legislation on not, got to find someone to carry the Bill. A Resolution means there is always a Bill in. We support the existing legislation. Q – Ross Boelling PSA-8 what Bills are currently in? A – Bills are in both houses. In the past there was a sales tax rebate for certain low income residents. Q – Ross again – would like to see the language strengthened. We have lots of people that even a 10% reduction would help lots of people out. Jay Rowh adds that at first our thoughts were that would be the way we wanted things to go. But we wanted it known that we wanted it totally eliminated. There’s a big difference between someone earning $15 thousand VS. someone earning $1.5 MILLION a year. Q – Jay again – Kansas is TIED for the highest taxes in the Nation, just where do we stand on this? A – Mississippi is 1st with taxes and Kansas comes in 2nd HIGHEST, but with the combined rate they are TIED. Q – Allen Schmidt PSA3 asks about the sales tax rebate, he’s interested in it. (SB 184) A – Kansas has an income tax credit for low income and it shall not exceed $30 thousand, it was put into place in 2015. It was a rebate on income taxes VS. a credit. The credit cost $1,8 Million, SB 184 cost us between $52 – 54 Million. Q – Wynona Gebauer PSA-6 was asking about what Ross had stated (couldn’t hear him speak). A – Ross clarified for her. Q – Gary Scott PSA-11 have we done a study on what is lost on sales in other States? A – they do not know of any studies on this. Q – Donna Lehane PSA-2 states that whatever we do in one area should not be taken away in other areas downhill. SB 184 should be looked at. Q – Allen again – sounds like we need to support SB 184. A – Resolution needs to at least reference SB 184 and the areas it relates to. Ross Boelling makes a motion to adopt Resolution 3703 as written, Donna Lehane 2nd the motion. Discussion – Allen Schmidt votes against the motion. He’d like to see we add “support of SB 184” to the Resolution. Jay asks if we can amend the Resolution to add the SB 184 Bill? Allen Schmidt moves to amend the original Resolution to add SB 184 to it. Gary Scott 2nd. Discussion on the amendment. Mary Nichols asks if this addition will stall this out? Curt Watkins PSA-10 would like to know just what SB 184 says. A – Eddy (from Capital resources) will be looking at SB 184 closer. Allen and Curt discuss the change. Ross Boelling states the original resolution is to urge them to continue on with it. Jay asks for a vote on the amendment – 7 FOR and 11 AGAINST. Motion to amend the resolution FAILS. Jay now asks for a vote on the original Resolution 3703 as written. Votes are 21 FOR and 4 AGAINST, original motion PASSES as written. Ross volunteers to carry Resolution 3703 forward.
Business concluded at 9:55am, move to your next committee.
Resolution 3704 – Fully fund KPERS Chair Thomas Gordon PSA-1, Vice Chair Gayle Anderson PSA-6, Secretary Janice Fewins PSA-5; are joined by Amelia Kova-Donohue (assist reviser) and Amit Patel (leg research) was called to order at 10:10am. Amelia read Resolution 3704 to the group. Frank Catalo PSA-8 is retired from KPERS and says a COLA is needed. Q – Ernest Dyer PSA-4 how many don’t have Social Security? When was it required that employees pay into both SS and KPERS? A – Patel in 1950 you could elect, 6% were not covered in 1990, in July 1991 it was made mandatory. There are 270,000 were covered by SS in Kansas, 7.9 % are NOT covered by SS. Q – Gary Scott PSA-11 points out that in Missouri it’s not required to be covered by SS. Joyce Simpson PSA-9 states Missouri is wonderful. Q – Ernest Dyer PSA-4 would like to know how so many got left with NO SS? A – none Q – Mary Nichols PSA-10 where do they get the money from? A – none Gary Scott states that it was reduced during the Brownback era. Amit Patel states that it’s now 69% funded and they are trying to get to 80% by 2027. There was $150,000,000 paid back last session toward what was taken from it. They have a 20 year plan to pay it all back, $56,000,000 and $51,000,000 over this 20 year plan. Q – Thomas asks if the State can divert the KPERS funding? A – Patel, State can defer payments to KPERS, HB 2100 addresses some of the COLA increases, FY202 exp $13,000,000. Q – Thomas again, the last COLA was 21 years ago, does it address survivor benefits? A – Patel – Bill now does NOT address the survivor benefits. Q – Jaunita Parker PSA-6 she states that her KPERS increased after her spouse passed away. Q – Alford Rangel PSA-1 states that pension plans are all different. Gary Scott states that when his wife passed away he still gets her KPERS benefit. Q – Curt Watkins PSA-10 wants to encourage adoption of 3704 and leave the COLA formula to KPERS. Ernest Dyer PSA-4 and Thomas PSA-1 discuss COLA’s for people without SS. Clarence Hermann PSA-7 supports the wording on the SS issue. Ernest Dyer motions for the adoption of Resolution 3704 as written, it’s 2nd by Clarence Hermann PSA-7. Votes are 18 FOR and 0 AGAINST, motion/resolution passes.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.
Resolution 3705 – protection of grandparents rights Chair Gil Bunning PSA-9, Vice Chair ?, Secretary Chuck Schmidt PSA-2 were joined by Capitol advisors Nick, Jessie, Malicia and Dave. A revised Resolution 3705 was given to Chair Gil Bunning PSA-9 to be read. Q – Michael Keohane PSA-1 to activate they must be wards of the State? Katy Hoffman PSA-11 states children or child that’s in need of care. Q – Mike asks again, do they not need to be a ward of the State? A – Vicki Winans PSA-5 states they do not initially need be a ward of the State, some G-parents do not like them listed as wards. More g-parents are raising kids than even before. G-parents don’t get the same support as what a foster care child gets. G-parents are now becoming parents again of their own grandchildren. $200.00 a month is not enough to help with the costs. Mike again – states that the G-parents just want to help out their children who cannot raise their kids. Vicki Winans PSA-5 states that some of these kids have serious issues and need help. Carmen Booz PSA-10 states that g-parents do not want the custody of children outside their immediate family. Vicki again – makes a comment of what the first hearing is about. Q – Gill asks what causes the State to make the children wards of the State? A – Vicki says that DCF makes several attempts before making them a ward of the State. Q – Gil asks again what are the key issues to determine the State to make them wards? Vicki gives an answer “often chem. Dep issue” (???) Q – Memory Maginley PSA-8 what happens when there’s more than 3 kids and what about other family members? A – Leonard Schulfer PSA-10 says that the Bill only covers Grandparents. Gil also adds that our resolution only covers/deals with the grandparents. Q – Leonard asks if there’s anything else to cover the other family members. Gil states that funds may come from some other source, he does not know for sure. A – Nick from resources says there are 2 issues they work with 1) child placement 2) funding. SB 166 last year increased eligibility level. We need to check into SB 166 on this matter. Q – Jim Sharp PSA-6 would like to know if the grandparents Bill also refers to the Great grandparents. A – Kay Hoffman PSA-11 says NO. Virgil Mock PSA-3 tells us that he’s adopted 6 children and grandparents are in for possibly 5 years of court battles. Purpose is to find the best place possible for the children. Chuck Schmidt PSA-2 suggests we adopt the resolution. Shirley Fair PSA-10 motions to accept Resolution 3705 as written, it’s 2nd (?). Discussion, Virgil says gparents should get some funding as what foster care does. Vicki states that the assessments have about a 90 day time line. Chair asks for votes on the passage of Resolution 3705 – PASSED.
Resolution 3706 – medical cannabis Chair Gil Bunning PSA-9 (Chair and V.C are not noted on the notes) Chuck Schmidt PSA-2 Secretary. Advisors handed out supplement notes (no copies included here). Michael Keohane PSA-1 has some recorded PRO comments, about this does relieve pain, anxiety, ect. Doctors have said that only in terminal cases should it be used for relief of pain. Should be delay for some further study. Carmen Booz PSA-10 states that this has passed in previous years. She moves that it should be passed. Jerry Ireland PSA-11 states that doctors are opposed to it. Carmen states were not voting on kids usage, there are a lot of medical usages for it. Lois Cossman PSA-3 has neuropathy and her husband Don gets a cream from Colorado for her that helps a lot. Chair asks for a vote – PASSES.
Resolution 3707 – Senior Care Act Chair Gil Bunning PSA-9 (Chair and V.C are not noted on the notes) Chuck Schmidt PSA-2 and Capitol advisor Nick. Nick tells us that they are proposing to amend the Senior Care Act to include oral hygiene, vision care, hearing care and foot care. Q – Michael Keohane PSA-1 would like some figures on cost and where does the money come from? A – Nick $2.5 Million of SGF (?) to SCA and also Federal Block Grants, $6.5 Million. Q – Leonard Schufler PSA-10 asks what is meant by care? A – Nick – not really defined. KDADS would set the guidelines. Q – Carolyn Brady PSA-4 is this in addition to regular care? Gil Bunning states that some areas of our State don’t have any health care providers at all and are needed. Q – Gil again, aren’t they already getting these services? A – Nick current SCA services can vary by County and this Bill requires these things for ALL. Michael (MH) states that he is a former Home Health nurse and when he was that he did not have the ability to do some services, it must be based on doctor’s orders. Virgil Mock PSA-3 states there’s a large need for mental services. Herb Gwaltney PSA-9 states that if it becomes law the agencies must provide it. Gil states that some areas don’t even have a oral hygienist, they must be sponsored by a dentist and some dentists won’t sponsor them. Herb states that if they aren’t provided, they can’t get grant money and relationships are needed to work out the providers needed. Cynthia Nelson PSA-8 motions to adopt Resolution 3707, 2nd (?) – PASSED.