2018 Executive Board Minutes
Opening Session Minutes.
October 3, 2018 Morning Session
8:00 Posting of Colors
8:10 Swearing in- Eric Rucker, Office of Secretary of State
8:15 Shawn Sullivan — Office of the Governor
Overview of upcoming election
SHL Issues from Legislative Standpoint
8:30 Ann Elifrits Commissioner on Commission on Aging
Older Kansas Services Available
Senior Care Act through AAA
Medicare Programs — SHICK
8:45 Roll Call — Darlene Riggs, Secretary SHI- 63 present
8:55 Jane Gingles — Adopted rules of SHI- (pf. 11-16 of Handbook).
8:57 Introduction of Guests
Waived the reading of the bills
9:00 Ada Bogart, SHL Floor Leader
Moved to adjourn, go to committee.
A.M. Session – Sean Sullivan
Budget $17 billion
State general fund — tax collection 7 billion
Exp -50 school
– social services — majority KanCare services
- Question about education after supreme court edit 200/300 million additional
- Highway funds 1.5 billion (Ibil fed) rest in sales tax
- KPERS -18 Bill assests, only 6096 funded, now
- Medicaid
- Strong stat and fed economy
- Fed would fall —tax cuts 25mil
- Sports gambling- Legalize — 25 million tax revenue
- Online Sales Taz — law changes 50- to 150 million
- Revise of standards
- Commission Older American Act 1965 KDAD
- State Senior Care Act
- Sliding fee scale
- Age in palce
- Opening on commission — contact legislature.
- June — Government
- Alzheime<s disease task force
- Experts
- Reccommendations
- Only state without alzheimer’s commission
- Report due 1/19\
- 9) Roll call 57
First resolution
Bill Otto (PSA 7) attorney read resolution
Otto asked for comments pro/cons
Don Menard commented on 81 Connection (Public Transportation Belleville to Concordia) need transport to spine center
Minutes October 3, 2018 Afternoon Session
Don Woodard called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.
Ada Bogart, Floor leader, made a motion to move the SHI- go into committee of the whole for consideration of bills and resolutions. Motion carried.
Bobby Walker PSA 4, Chair for Committee 1, moved the adoption of the committee report.
Resolutions 3601, 3602, and 3603 all passed
Committee report was accepted
3601 KPERS Funding – passed by majority vote
3602 KPERS Cola — passed by majority vote
3603 Expansion of Medicaid — passed by majority vote
Thomas Gordon PSA 1 Brought discussion to the floor about Medicaid.
Don Menard PSA8, member of committee 2, moved the adoption of the committee report.
No amendments
3609 Sales Tax Issues- passed
3604 KDOT Transportation — passed
3607 Sport Wagering —passed
Jacque Barber PSA 1, co- chair for committee 3, moved to adoption of the committee reports
3606 Grandparent Rights
Mentioned that there would have custody of kids under 10 years old.
3605 SCA – passed
3608 Medical Cannabis
Janice Walker PSA6 — came to the front to make amendment about the medical cannabis resolution. Talked about how there was a speaker that came to talk to them about the ways that it could help with chronic pain, Parkinsons, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, ect. Also talked about how people would transfer to Colorado to be able to use the medical marijuana.
Steve Brom PSA 6, Moved to Vote — Seconded by Carmon Booz PSA 10 to change marijuana to Cannabis throughout 3608.
Gary Scott PSA 11, A motion was made to change the wording to Medical uses and medical application of cannabis in the 3608.
Seconded by Linda Vick PSA6
Carmen Booz PSA6 — brought discussion to the floor about proposed amendment was
grammatically incorrect.
Gary Scott PSA 11 — brought discussion to the floor that it was a double negative and was correctly written.
Darlene Riggs Secretary took the podium for a Yes/No vote
Yes: 23 No:28 Obtained:
Jane Gingles PSA 8 — gave reasoning for her vote
Linda Vick PSA6 — wants to pass it but wants it grammatically correct.
Thomas Gordon PSA 1- explained his vote.
Gary Scott PSAII came back up to the stand to revise the amendment to say, Medical uses of cannabis.
Seconded by Gale Anderson PSA8
Motion passed by raise of hands
Jacque Barber PSA 1 — Motion carried
Ada Bogart Silver Haired Legislature floor leader — motioned for reports
Jane Gingles PSA 8- adoption of committee reports
President Jay Rowh gave the announcements
Meeting adjourned at 2:27 by Don Woodard
Silver Haired Legislatures – Minutes of October 4, 2018.
Don Woodard Called meeting to order @8:19
Secretary Darlene Riggs — called roll. 55 present.
President Jay Rowh PSA8 — presented a gavel to Jane Gingles.
Secretary Darlene Riggs — came to podium to do the Yes/No voting on the resolutions.
3601 KPERS Funding – 53 Yes. O No. O Obstained – Declared passed
3602 KPERS Cola —53 Yes. 1 No. O Obstained. — Declared passed
3603 Expansion of Medicaid in Kansas — 53 Yes. O No. O Obstained. — Declared passed
3604 KDOT Transportation — 54 Yes. O No. O Obstained— Declared passed
3605 SCA — 53 Yes. 0 No. O Obstained. — Declared passed
3606 Grandparents Rights — 52 Yes. O No. O Obstained— Declared passed
3607 Sports Wagering — 44 Yes. 5 No. 2 Obstained. — Declared passed
3608 Medical Cannabis — 48 Yes. 1 No. 3 Obstained. — Declared passed
Ron Etchison PSA8 – explained his vote about the concerns of the future marijuana use.
Jane Gingles PSA8 — Explained vote.
3609 Sales Tax, lower on food and higher on internet sales. — 50 Yes. 2 No. O Obstained
President Jay Rowh PSA 8 gave an announcement about the importance of voting.
Floor leader Ada Bogart PSA 6 – motioned to adjourn
Adjourned at 10:06 a.m.