2018 Executive Board Minutes

SHL Executive Session
Salina Public Library
Salina, KS
July 25, 2018
1 PM

Jay Rowh, President and SHL, Mitchell County, called the roll.

Jane Gingles reported that this is her last year as a SHL. Jay Rowh thanked her for her contributions.
Jay reviewed the handout and outlined three items for discussion:

1. New SHL website. There are copies at back of room regarding the website, Kansas-shl.org. There are still some areas that need to be completed. Robert McCright from the Technical College produced the website, pro bono. The Webmaster only posts things from the President of SHL after approval from Exec. Board. Aim to post within 3 weeks of receipt. Will soon post nursing scholarship info. Jay is trying to get connection to the national site.

2. By laws duties of each position. While we have written job descriptions of officers, we are missing written descriptions of other duties not associated with a specific office. For example, someone has to contact the hotel about rooms for the annual meeting, coordinate sponsors, the caterer, etc. These responsibilities need to be written down and someone identified to perform them. This would also help in times of transition, either planned or unplanned.

3. Officer transitions. Don will serve another term for 2 years. We will get a new President in May and Jay will help with transition. We need to look at succession plan, 1 and 2 years, have someone trained when a person steps down. May have committee to work on this.

Don Woodard reported on the legislator of year and Tuesday afternoon speaker.

Legislator of the Year:
In past years we have not nominated anyone but last year they stepped up defending senior issues. This year Don identified legislators supporting grandparent’s rights and getting money to help with grandchildren. DCF took advantage of grandparents giving legal custody but no money. We wanted a fund through DCF, but no luck. Then we started working with individual legislators having DCF include money though the department budget. Five million dollars was identified in the DCF kindred care budget, mostly for grandparents. Carol McGuinn, Chair of the Senate Ways and Means committee and Vickie Schmidt helped with this issue. Don is still torn and said it was up to group to decide.

Bill Otto recommended we nominate both for legislator of the year, both are from the Senate. The far right does not like these moderate senators and we need to reward bipartisanship. No one from the House stood

Jay Rowh asked that we get thoughts to Don in the next two weeks.

Thomas Gordon said we need criteria to determine who should be legislator of year and not just that we like them. They should be nominated for what they have done.

Don Woodard said we did that. We wanted money for grandparents and we got the money. Those two did the most.

Thomas Gordon said it was good to have criteria: Got money for grandparents.

Linda Vick said Don knows most of what’s going on.

Don Woodard said he still thinks others can make suggestions. No bills were passed but we still got the money, through the budget process. A bill is hard to pass.

We need to vote on a motion that we want a legislator of the year or not. Bill Otto moved that we have a legislator of the year. Seconded. Vote was unanimous yes.

Bill Otto moved and seconded by Thomas Gordon that Vickie Schmidt and Carol McGuinn will be nominees. Vote was unanimous yes.

Jay Rowh said that regarding speakers for Tuesday afternoon, three were suggested: Gina Meyer Hummel, Director of DCF, Sheldon Weisgrau, head of group for Medicaid expansion and Susan Cohen,
Senior Driving Issues, from Maryland.

There was discussion about the effect of antipsychotic drugs on older people and that the issue is not well understood.

Jay Rowh asked if we have a motion.

Jim Toews moved to add senior driver expert Susan Cohen to present with Gina Meyer Hummel, Director of DCF, and Sheldon Weisgrau, head of group for Medicaid expansion. Linda Vick had a question about senior driving.

Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

Issues: Jay Rowh presented all issues in writing. Don Woodard led the discussion on the status of past bills:

-There are good bills but they die in committee, they still have to be reintroduced.
-KanCare passed and Brownback vetoed. Very close, needed 2/3majority.
-2022 Allowing patients to receive untested drugs, died in committee. Don suggested that you go to website and find everything about what happens to bills.
-2026 passed law to change Kan Care managed care provider. Oversight committee for KanCare frustrating. Senior citizens cannot get anything done through committee.
-2570 grandparents fund killed in committee. There are other ways to get these things done, agency budget.
-2427 adult care passed house and died in senate.
-2405 redeemable beverage containers died in committee.
-Jay Rowh asked about the Long Term Ombudsman issue for each PSA plus one for veterans. Don Woodard said no one knows what’s happening to this program. Will report back.
-2699 striking language and did not pass. Gut and go.
-2704 requiring written consent to accept medication died.
-HB 2744 Alzheimer’s taskforce died in committee. Don talked to Governor to create with Executive Order and he did.
Don Woodard said 99% of introduced bills do not get passed. All we wanted to get done were in bills and they did not pass.
Howard Tice said we should still continue to persevere.
-Bill 340 campus free speech protection died.
Jay Rowh reminded us that bills could stay alive after killed in committee. Still can take several years to pass.
Thomas Gordon asked if they give reason why they die?
Don Woodard said they just vote, but some do give reason.
Thomas Gordon asked how do we know why they voted no?
Jay Rowh said sometimes they don’t bring for vote.
Don Woodard said also, when Chair changes, we have to start over.
Thomas Gordon said representative outlined plan of action reflecting support of senior issues. Can we publicize those positions?
Linda Vick said she meets with representative to get information on their positions; this is how they voted and why. Then she reports back to her PSA. Jay Rowh said we were very active contacting local representatives about senior issues. We’ll throw open to which issues to pursue, we’ll follow that process.
Linda Vick asked how many of PSAs are in favor of continuing repeated issues?
Ada Bogart brought up the discussion of KanCare policy that results in seniors being isolated in their home.
Bill Otto moved and it was seconded to pass these issues as a bundle:
1. Continue funding Senior Care Act,
2. 3501 Medicaid Expansion
3. 3503 and 3504, KPERS funding.
4. 3502 KDOT
5. 3508 Protect grandparents rights
Motion carried.

Linda Vick brought up rural transportation. Jay Rowh expressed his concern about possible future cuts in KDOT transportation programs.
Don Woodard said the KDOT task force would look at whole transportation issue.
Jay Rowh reported that the 81 Connection was discussed at meeting.
That is the first regional transportation concept in the state. Also looking at Salina-Hayes, Salina-Wichita, and Salina-Junction City.
Task Force will look at that.

Darlene Riggs said given the amount of time Don spends at state house, we should try to find funding
Linda Vick brought up looking for funding for SHL.
Bill Otto was concerned about taxation on SSI. Maybe even KPERS and Military pensions. Does not support COLA for KPERS.
Bill Otto moved and Ada Bogart seconded motion to approve forwarding of above five issues. Motion carried.
Jay Rowh asked Thomas to go ahead on 3509. Thomas Gordon said we should consider insurance liability coverage, with older people driving.
Where will funds come from? Don’t give up on 3509.
Linda Vick suggested we use the same money strategy as we did with Senior Care Act.
Bill Otto moved that Thomas see that we support 3509 is introduced with modest increase in property damage amount. Seconded by Gill Bunning. Motion carried.

Katy Hoffman asked about how many bills we will present, six?
Linda Vick suggested we attach gambling funds to senior care act.
Bill Otto moved to support sports betting that would support senior programs and Thomas Gordon seconded. Motion carried.

Jay Rowh said Missouri’s lottery goes to education. Used to be in Kansas too. Michelle: Older Kansas Employment Program supported in part by lottery funds.
Katy Hoffman said her PSA supports paying increased property taxes only when house is sold or upon death of owner. Rep Tom Cox supports.
Bill Otto suggested a freeze on valuation of home when you turn 65 as long as you live in that house. Jay Rowh said there is a problem with that; the population of the county is getting older. Would hurt tax revenues.
Howard Tice said population is getting older.
Linda Vick suggested changing age to 75.
Bobby Walker said many taxing entities depend on property taxes and some large businesses are exempt.
Bill Otto said this could be a problem with reverse mortgages. Ada Bogart said this would affect money
coming in to coffers.
Linda Vick asked if cash funds could be applied to increasing taxes?
Jay Rowh said the Homestead tax relief, new version, helps with increasing taxes.

BREAK: 3:09-3:20
Jay Rowh said Katy Hoffman is serving as interim treasurer.
Jane Gingles presented list of counties who have and have not given $100. Need to know where money comes from.
Jay Rowh suggested that if you have dedicated mill levy, ask that group.
County can set up fund to reimburse SHL for his/her expenses. Would help to recruit SHL members.
Discussed choice to send memorial.
Linda Vick discussed ways to change policy on homebound issue for KanCare. Don Woodard suggested going to KanCare oversight hearing. Make sure you give presentation and make sure Chair designates someone to look into policy problem. Jay Rowh encouraged them to look up who is on KanCare committee and write to them to carry the issue.

Discussed how nursing home loses money from delays in payment.
Hawkins disturbed by this practice. Bill Otto said 6 nursing homes were in receivership. State is deadbeat for not paying.

Jay Rowh reminded that election coming up in two weeks. Encourage seniors to vote, be sure to register. Legislators will listen.
Thomas Gordon suggested having delegates visit seniors so they know
what SHL do. SHL visits legislators.
Jay Rowh expressed concern for financial support for Don’s role and five months of work. Is there a difference if lobbyist is paid or not, regarding restrictions? Don Woodard said it might be better to reimburse for
expenses instead of being paid. He does not register as a lobbyist.
Linda Vick asked if we should ask for funding from state? Don Woodard: No, get money from aging organizations.
Katy Hoffman asked how much would he need. Jane Gingles said we would need an accounting. Bill Otto: Ballpark figure $600/mo. for a stay in an Econolodge. 3 months $1800.

Jay Rowh asked about additional issues?
Question about policy that isolates seniors on Medicaid. This is not a bill. What is problem with new Medicaid homebound rules? Policy of restricting person to home to get Medicaid and causes meals at meals on wheels to be reduced at friendship center.
Ada Bogart said seniors could go to be evaluated for meals on wheels.
Katy Hoffman suggested supporting the reduction of sales tax on food.
Jay Rowh pointed out that with taxes being reinstated might be possible.
Inflation criteria are an issue. Still may be additional funding available.
Also, concern about farm economy.
Bill Otto said a recent court ruling states that states can collect Internet sales tax.
Virgil Mock said we should look at growing hemp.
Linda Vick: Has been passed for experimental purposes.
Jay Rowh summarized that we look at removal of sales tax on food,
support growing hemp, and collect tax on Internet sales.
Howard Tice said we have not identified bills and resolutions. Are we proposing as bill or resolution? Jay Rowh said revisers in Topeka would help us with that in August.
Craig Shove said he would support eliminating tax on food. Why not do it.
Howard Tice recommends removal of tax on food.
Linda Vick suggested we replace removal of food tax with the Internet sales tax. Tie together. Katy Hoffman added city and county too.
Bill Otto: I move to combine the removal of food tax and replace with Internet sales tax. Katy Hoffman: Seconded: Motion voted and carried Gil Bunning said we should support COLA in KPERS.
He moved to support COLA for KPERS, seconded by Craig Shove.
Motion carried.

Bill Otto said we should support medical marijuana. Also support the production of hemp. Linda Vick led discussion about why hemp was outlawed.
Howard Tice said there is more news reported about positive effects of medical marijuana. Linda Vick suggested we just support medical marijuana, not growing hemp.
Katy Hoffman said her PSA thought not enough research has been done about benefits of medical marijuana. Jay Rowh said other states track record on medical marijuana is positive. Can’t get lending source to
help farmers to grow hemp. Asked for motion.
Gil Bunning said he favors medical marijuana vs. hemp. PSAs turned off by hemp.
Motion: Bill Otto moved we support legalization of non-THC medical cannabis. Linda Vick seconded. Carried. Katy Hoffman abstained due to her PSA directive.
Jay Rowh will send out dates of PSA 4 to get more participation.
Thomas Gordon: Wants Don to come up with proposed expenses needed for Speaker. This will be discussed at October meeting.
Jane Gingles left copies of list of counties that have not contributed to SHL.
Moved and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
Adjourned 4:25pm