
Created by an Act of Congress in 1969, each state was encouraged to create a body of Seniors who would identify issues important to older Kansas adults 60+ and to educate the Kansas Legislature about those issues.
The Kansas Silver Haired Legislature (KSHL) was created by Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1649, which was passed by the 1982 Legislature. It created a unicameral legislature composed of 125 representatives. All are 60+ years old and are elected from their county of residence.
Wyandotte, Johnson, Shawnee and Sedgwick have five additional representatives.
- To identify priority concerns of Kansans over 60 years of age;
- To develop bills and resolutions designed to address those identified concerns; and
- To present those resolutions to the Kansas Legislature & Governor as recommendations for state policy.
- Advocate for the KSHL Legislation with State Legislators.
- Testify at hearings held regarding KSHL Legislation.
- Meet with seniors in their county & district about legislation affecting older adults.
503 Kansas Avenue
Topeka Kansas 66603
785 368-7326
800 432-3535
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The Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature (KSHL) provides information through this website as a service. All of the information provided is presumed to be accurate and reliable. However, KSHL does not guarantee the accuracy of any information, views, opinions, assertions or recommendations expressed or presented on this WEB page. Any errors will be corrected as they become known. KSHL specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages related to reliance upon this website or the information it contains, or any information on websites maintained by other parties and linked to this KSHL site
Copyright 2018 Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature